Testimonial – Alison




My name is Alison and I live near the beach in Norfolk, England. I have two sons: Adam is 33 years old and is a singer/dancer and model in London. Andrew is 31 years old and he is a solicitor the other side of the country in Devon


When I left school I trained as a horse riding instructor and then joined the police force in England. I met Stuart there and we were married for 8 years until he died of cancer. Adam and Andrew were 7 and 8 years old at the time.

I left the police force and dedicated my life (as single mum) to giving the boys the best start in life. Although I was brought up in a Christian family I wasn’t really interested in God until my sister died in Chad as a missionary when she was 31 years old. I then started my Christian journey and have grown to love Jesus and to be loved by Him over the last 30 years. As I look back I see His hand of protection and His faithful guidance throughout my life.

I was administrator for a young careers charity in UK, and also for a charity for sponsored children in Sri Lanka; then I taught maths in college to adult learners for 2 years. When the boys left home I served for 13 years as Director of a Christian youthwork charity in the UK, visiting schools sharing Jesus’ heart for the pupils and staff.
I now live with my 86 year old mother as she has dementia and cannot live alone.

I have known of Jane and Alaric for 20 years but only got to know them well through their online courses over the last 6 years. Our friendship is continually growing, as is our love for Jesus and our passion to see lives transformed by His love and grace and power. It was a massive privilege to come and visit Uganda - I got to know some beautiful people and will cherish the memories for ever. Thank you so much for welcoming me!



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